Category: Direct Mail Marketing

Kickstart Your Accountant Marketing with Direct Mail

Kickstart Your Accountant Marketing with Direct Mail

Kickstart Your Accountant Marketing with Direct Mail

With various tax and annual report deadlines quickly approaching, it’s important to find creative ways to effectively engage your tax and finance clients. Using direct mail as part of your accountant marketing strategy can break through the e-junk clutter and increase sales! Direct mail campaigns provide a tangible and personalized approach, making them an ideal choice for promoting your tax and accounting related services.

Preferred Direct offers services that have helped Accountants nationwide with all 4 steps of their print marketing campaigns: designing, printing, finishing, and mailing. Here’s a comprehensive guide from the Accountant Marketing Experts at Preferred Direct on how to kickstart your marketing with direct mail:

 Define Your Target Tax AudienceEvery door direct mail accountant marketing

In order to properly define your target audience, you must identify your ideal clients and tailor your direct mail campaign to address their specific tax and/or finance needs. Consider demographics, location, industry, annual income, household type, and more when creating a targeted mailing list for accountant marketing. For example, let’s say you want to reach clients within 10 miles of your office, every door direct mail (EDDM) is a great option to promote your company to every single house or business within a desired area.  Contact Preferred Direct for assistance with EDDM.

Clearly communicate and adapt any special promotions, discounts, or unique offerings that set your business apart to the demographic you’re trying to reach. By defining your target audience properly, you can tailor your message to increase your return on investment (ROI).  For instance, for individuals with children or dependents, you can offer a discount for those filing with dependents. However, offering this family-friendly discount to the wrong audience could impact your campaign negatively and make single or childless recipients feel pushed away. That’s why personalization matters!

Campaign Personalization Matterspersonalization accountant marketing

Now that you know your target audience, you need to capture their attention on a personal level. Customizing your accountant marketing pieces to resonate with individual recipients will make them feel seen and understood, instilling trust in your business. By using variable data printing (VDP) technology, your print partner can incorporate personalized elements such as customer names, specific financial concerns, location landmarks, and other unique information based on the recipient’s profile. Learn more about Preferred Direct’s variable data printing services, here.

Direct Mail Designaccountant marketing direct mail design

It is essential to invest in a professional design that captivates the attention of your accounting clients. Bold brand colors, clear typography, and high-quality images make your direct mail pieces engaging and effective. Consider your printing options; Select your paper type; Black and white or full color print; One-sided or two-sided prints etc. By ensuring that key information is easily read and your branding is prominent, potential clients will know exactly who your company is, what you do and how to contact you.  Market additional accounting services in each campaign, such as financial planning, retirement & estate planning, etc., for potential upsells/cross sells and increased campaign ROI. View our infographic on key postcard elements for design tips for your next campaign.

At Preferred Direct, our graphic designers can create captivating artwork to help bring your accountant marketing to life and maximize your return. Ask about our add-on design services for your print and mail campaigns.

Incentives and Discounts

The best way to encourage engagement and to track your ROI is by including exclusive incentives or discounts that can be redeemed. When it comes to finances, clients strongly value professional guidance.  Tax Accountants can find success when providing a limited-time promotion, a special rate for first appointments, service coupons or a referral bonus in their direct mail campaigns. Educational resources to help clients understand their finances and possible tax implications are a great giveaway for accountant marketing campaigns as well. Direct mail incentives can boost response rates and create a sense of urgency bringing in leads sooner rather than later. Browse other direct marketing ideas in this blog.

Finish off by clearly stating what action you want recipients to take. Whether it’s scheduling an appointment, visiting your website, or calling for more information, a compelling call to action (CTA) is crucial for driving response rates. Especially with a time sensitive service like filing taxes! Use unique codes, dedicated phone numbers, or specific landing pages to measure response rates. Analyzing results allows you to refine future campaigns for better effectiveness.

Strategic Campaign Timingaccountant marketing strategic timing

Plan your direct mail campaigns to coincide with key accounting milestones. Consider sending initial teasers before tax season officially starts and follow up with reminders and additional promotions as the deadline approaches. College savings planning services in the fall or summer project accounting in the spring are all great accountant marketing campaigns to highlight throughout the seasons.

By following these steps, you can kickstart your accountant marketing with direct mail, ensuring that your message resonates with potential clients, at the perfect time.

 Preferred Direct: Experts in Accountant Marketingpreferred direct

Preferred Direct has over 35 years of experience as a second-generation family business working closely with financial organizations throughout the US. Our goal is to help maximize your company’s exposure and engagement this tax season. By making our VDP and direct mail services a part of your tax marketing, you partner with an experienced Print Partner capable of designing, printing, finishing and mailing your best campaign yet!

Let Preferred Direct take care of all your printing and fulfilment needs.  We are a HITRUST certified partner prioritizing the security of your sensitive customer and financial data. Contact us to discuss which secure print and mail services will be best for your accountant marketing needs.

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022  Direct marketing is the discipline of communicating directly with your audience through one-to-one mediums such as email, direct mail, social media, and text....

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer When choosing a direct mail printer for your organization’s communication projects, there’s much to consider. Not all printing providers have the expertise...

21 Ways to Add Flair to Your Direct Mail Campaign

21 Ways to Add Flair to Your Direct Mail Campaign

21 Ways to Add Flair to your Direct Mail Campaign Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Learn from the mistakes of others... You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself!” How do you attract,...

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Maximizing Open Enrollment Success: 6 Key Print Materials Every Insurer Needs

Maximizing Open Enrollment Success: 6 Key Print Materials Every Insurer Needs

Maximizing Open Enrollment Success: 6 Key Print Materials Every Insurer Needs

Open enrollment is a crucial time for insurance companies to attract new members and retain existing ones. In the competitive marketplace, print insurance marketing remains a tried-and-true strategy for communicating your benefits and value to potential policyholders. In this blog, we’ll explore six essential insurance print materials to maximize open enrollment success and elevate member experience.

Direct Mail Open Enrollment:

Direct mail marketing remains a powerful tool for reaching new members and reminding existing ones during open enrollment. Postcards, mailers, letters, and advertisements come in all shapes and sizes and can be used to send personalized messages, promotions, renewals, and important information about insurance plans. Direct mail allows potential policyholders the time to review and research your offerings, directly or online. With Preferred Direct’s experience and technology in direct mail services, we’ll help you create eye-catching designs with a strong call to action and targeted audience to increase your campaign ROI.

Printed Newsletters:

open enrollment direct mailCreating a printed newsletter, with professional finishing such as saddle stitch binding, will certainly leave an impression. This print insurance marketing approach not only caters to a diverse demographic, including those who may prefer traditional communication methods but also makes it more likely to be noticed and retained. Including member benefit summaries, featured doctor and hospital news, and even a nutritional cooking recipe, can help create an engaging newsletter that establishes a tangible connection with your audience, encouraging policy enrollment and retention.

Third Party Billing:

Third-party billing can provide a seamless process for collecting premiums, deductibles, and communicating coverage details. These documents should be designed with the utmost clarity to ensure that policyholders can easily understand their financial responsibilities. Preferred Direct is a HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST-certified printer, excelling in high-quality third-party billing services. We take pride in making sure your customers have a smooth experience during open enrollment and billing because we know happy customers can equal lifetime policyholders.

Explanation of Benefits:

Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements are essential for policyholders, providing a breakdown of the costs associated with their services. Just like third party billing, having a professional and concise EOB document and communication process will improve your member experience making them more likely to renew each year.

Member Handbooks:

Member handbooks are valuable tools for insurance companies seeking to provide their policyholders with comprehensive information about their coverage. These handbooks serve

book printing services fulfillment

as a go-to resource for policyholders, offering details on benefits, claims procedures, network providers, and other essential information. A well-structured member handbook can be a valuable asset for both policyholders and insurance companies during open enrollment, fostering trust and confidence in your services. With state-of-the-art printing and finishing technology, Preferred Direct can create a professionally printed and bound resource that strategically covers all your insurance offerings.


Document Printing:

During open enrollment, insurers have a multitude of documents to print, ranging from member forms, contracts, and more. Preferred Direct offers state-of-the-art document printing services that guarantee accuracy, consistency, and professionalism. Your insurance company can rely on us to produce high-quality insurance marketing print materials that reflect your commitment to providing excellent service.

PDM teamPreferred Direct has over 35 years of experience as a second-generation family business working with insurance providers throughout the US. In our experience working with some of the largest insurance companies in the nation, to maximize success during open enrollment, it’s essential to invest in the right print materials. By incorporating third-party billing, direct mail marketing, advertising postcards, explanation of benefits, and document printing into your open enrollment strategy, you can create a comprehensive and compelling marketing campaign. These materials not only convey essential information but also reflect the professionalism and trustworthiness of your insurance company and its services.

For a successful open enrollment season, trust Preferred Direct as your full-service business communication partner. Contact us today to discuss our marketing and design services to help you goals this enrollment season.

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022  Direct marketing is the discipline of communicating directly with your audience through one-to-one mediums such as email, direct mail, social media, and text....

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Print-on-Demand: A Game-Changer for Economical Print

Print-on-Demand: A Game-Changer for Economical Print

Print-on-Demand: A Game-Changer for Economical Print


Businesses and entrepreneurs alike are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes and reduce costs. More and more companies are moving away from traditional mass printing methods with large print runs, substantial overhead expenses, and the risk of unsold inventory. With the emergence of the Print-on-Demand (POD) through digital printing technology, customers now have a more economic and efficient solution for their mass printing needs. Preferred Direct, an industry-leading print, direct mail, and digital communications partner, is proud to offer Print on Demand services to customers throughout North America. In this blog, we will explore this lean printing technique, how it works and its advantages and applications for businesses today.

What is Print on Demand (POD)?

Print on demand (POD) is a business model and printing technology that allows companies to print products in small quantities. The key concept behind the growing success of print on demand is that products are printed or manufactured only when they are ordered, reducing the need for large, upfront inventory and associated costs. Here are some of its unique advantages:

Reduce Costs & Waste

print on demand

Traditional printing often entails substantial upfront costs for mass orders and the risk and burden of storing inventory. With Print-on-Demand, customers can eliminate these overhead costs by printing copies in smaller batches over their contract lifetime. While the per-unit cost of Print-on-Demand books may be slightly higher than bulk offset printing, the overall cost savings come from avoiding warehousing and waste costs.

Companies and entrepreneurs can maintain a manageable inventory of print collateral at a time and order more (or less) throughout their contract, reducing the financial risk of unpredictable sales or fails. Talk to your print partner to understand lead times, order minimums, payment terms and more. Preferred Direct’s digital printing and finishing services ensure your books, catalogs, documents and more remain available without the need for extensive storage space or the risk of obsolete inventory.

Economic Self-Publishing

Print-on-Demand is an economic and accessible option for independent authors and small publishers. With the rise of entrepreneurs selling print products direct on platforms like Amazon and Facebook, Print-on-Demand can help the average author get to official publisher level. While traditional offset printing may not be cost-effective for those with limited resources or those who don’t need large print runs, currently. This democratization of mass printing has expanded the range of voices and content available to consumers, and Preferred Direct is here to support entrepreneurs on this exciting journey!

Rapid Turnaround

Time is of the essence in the world of business. Print-on-Demand technology allows for quick turnaround times, enabling orders to be anticipated, printed, and shipped to customers within days. This rapid response reduces lead times and allows for faster printing and delivery. With Print-on-Demand, the printer and customer must have a relationship based on communication to strategically print as needed.

Customization and Personalization

Considering you are printing in small batches, clients can make updates and revisions to each run with Preferred Direct’s variable data and digital printing technology. This feature is particularly useful for educational materials, corporate publications, and political or niche markets, giving you the flexibility to tailor your content as things change.


print on demand

Print-on-Demand takes a lean approach to publications and is more environmentally friendly than traditional printing. Bulk printing can result in significant paper, energy, transportation, and resource waste when books go unsold. POD reduces waste by printing only when there is a confirmed demand, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Print and Digital Integration

In this digital age, many companies now offer a combination of print and digital formats for their titles. POD can be seamlessly integrated with e-book distribution and other digital channels, providing readers with multiple options for accessing content.

Preferred Direct for POD

Preferred Direct offers Print-on-Demand solutions among our various print and finishing capabilities. We understand the quality, urgency, and logistics needed to successfully carry out a Print-on-Demand program for your print campaign. Whether you are a business, an entrepreneur, an author, or a publisher, Preferred Direct has the experience to print and deliver your products, on time and on budget. Contact Preferred Direct today to discover how our Print-on-Demand technology can transform your operations to be efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly.

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022  Direct marketing is the discipline of communicating directly with your audience through one-to-one mediums such as email, direct mail, social media, and text....

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Winning Your Campaign with Omnichannel Political Marketing

Winning Your Campaign with Omnichannel Political Marketing

Winning Your Campaign with Omnichannel Political Marketing

Winning Your Campaign with Omnichannel Political MarketingIn the world of politics, capturing the hearts and minds of your constituents is key to success. In today’s digital age, traditional political marketing strategies alone may not suffice. Enter omnichannel marketing – a multifaceted approach that seamlessly integrates various marketing channels to create a compelling and impactful political campaign. Preferred Direct, an industry leader in print, direct mail, and digital communications, is here to guide you through your candidate journey with proven solutions for a successful political campaign.

The Power of Omnichannel Political Marketing

In the realm of political marketing, you’re not just reaching out to potential voters; you’re connecting with citizens who are deeply invested in the future of their community and country. Omnichannel marketing offers a comprehensive strategy to effectively engage with your audience across various touchpoints. By utilizing multiple marketing platforms such as social media, direct mail, grassroots campaigns and more, candidates can reach a wider and more diverse audience than ever before. Here’s a breakdown of the top channels for effective political communications and how Preferred Direct can assist you:

Local News Advertising

local newspaper political marketingIn a world saturated with digital content, local news remains a trusted source of information. Preferred Direct can help you craft compelling advertisements that resonate with your constituents through local newspapers and news websites. Whether it’s a candidate profile, a policy announcement, or an event invitation, we ensure your message reaches the right audience.

Digital Marketing

In today’s interconnected world, digital marketing via social media and email are powerful platforms for interacting with your community. From running targeted ad campaigns to creating supporter groups, weekly email newsletters to email pledge campaigns, these digital marketing platforms are effective channels that many of your supporters use each day.  Preferred Direct can assist you in crafting engaging email campaigns that complement your overall strategy. Our clean databases, appealing templates, and strategic content ensure that your campaign messages are delivered effectively to your supporters.

Direct Mail Marketing

direct mail political marketingDirect mail remains a cornerstone of political marketing campaigns. Preferred Direct specializes in direct mail printing and mailing. You can partner with us to design, print and deliver impactful mailers, flyers, newsletters, and postcards to get the word out of your campaign. As a HIPAA-certified printer, Preferred Direct will safeguard your recipient data and process all mail with the utmost care. With our Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service, you can target specific neighborhoods, zip codes, counties and more to ensure your message reaches the right households for your political campaign. Preferred Direct also offers variable data printing which allows you to personalize each direct mail print with tailored visuals such as individual’s name, local landmarks, custom slogans, languages and more.

Grassroots Political Marketing

While digital channels are essential, nothing beats the authenticity of face-to-face interactions. Preferred Direct understands the value of grassroots marketing, where candidates can connect with voters on a personal level. Handshakes, handing out flyers, and genuine conversations leave a lasting impression. We can support your grassroots efforts by providing high-quality campaign materials, including signs, pamphlets, and flyers, to help you make a memorable impact.

SMS Text Marketing

SMS text political marketingIn the era of smartphones, Preferred Direct’s SMS text marketing is a highly effective way to engage with voters. It’s immediate, direct, and cost-efficient. Whether you need to send polling locations, promote pledging opportunities, or share important information, Preferred Direct even offers SMS text marketing to help you connect with supporters on a one-to-one basis effectively.

Preferred Direct: Your Winning Partner for Political Marketing Campaigns

With over three decades of experience assisting political candidates, Preferred Direct is your go-to partner for all your political campaign marketing needs. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality print and mail products, on time and within budget. As a HITRUST-Certified Printer, we prioritize the safety and security of your campaign information.

In 2022, Preferred Direct was honored as the Top Printer in Virginia Beach, a testament to our commitment to excellence. Winning a political campaign requires an omnichannel approach that spans over traditional and digital channels. With Preferred Direct as your political marketing partner, you’ll have the expertise and technology needed to create a winning campaign strategy that connects with your constituents on every level. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve victory this election year through the power of omnichannel marketing. Your success is our #1 priority!

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022  Direct marketing is the discipline of communicating directly with your audience through one-to-one mediums such as email, direct mail, social media, and text....

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer When choosing a direct mail printer for your organization’s communication projects, there’s much to consider. Not all printing providers have the expertise...

21 Ways to Add Flair to Your Direct Mail Campaign

21 Ways to Add Flair to Your Direct Mail Campaign

21 Ways to Add Flair to your Direct Mail Campaign Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Learn from the mistakes of others... You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself!” How do you attract,...

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Maximizing Impact: How Direct Mail Boosts Donations for Non-profits

Maximizing Impact: How Direct Mail Boosts Donations for Non-profits

Maximizing Impact: How Direct Mail Boosts Donations for Non-profits

direct mail campaigns

Non-profit organizations play a crucial role in addressing various social issues and causes. To continue their vital work, they often rely on the generosity of donors. In today’s digital age, where online fundraising platforms and social media dominate the scene, one traditional method still stands strong: direct mail. In this blog, we’ll explore how these campaigns can be a powerful tool for non-profits to boost donations and make a lasting impact.

The Power of Direct Mail in Fundraising

direct mail campaignsDirect mail is a tried-and-true method of fundraising that has stood the test of time. Its effectiveness lies in its tangible nature. Unlike digital communications that can be easily deleted or ignored, a well-crafted mail piece physically lands in the hands of your potential donors. According to the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), the response rate for direct mail to a house list was 9% in 2018, compared to just 1% for email.

Understanding Your Non-profit’s Audience

Before launching a campaign, it’s crucial to understand your audience. Non-profit organizations typically have diverse donor bases, including individuals, corporations, and foundations. Each of these groups may have different motivations for giving. Direct mail allows you to tailor your message to specific segments of your donor base, making it more likely that your message resonates with the recipient.

Crafting Compelling Campaigns

To maximize the impact of your campaigns, focus on creating materials that capture attention and evoke emotions. Start with eye-catching design and imagery that aligns with your cause. Preferred Direct can assist with design services – contact our team today for a quote. Your message should be clear, concise, and emotionally compelling. Include a strong call to action, guiding recipients on how they can make a difference by donating.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data plays a crucial role in optimizing campaigns. Segment your donor lists based on factors like giving history, demographics, and location. Personalize your messages using variable data printing to make donors feel valued and understood. Track the performance of your campaigns using analytics to refine your approach over time.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Nothing speaks more persuasively than success stories. Share real-life examples of how your organization’s work has made a tangible difference in the lives of those you serve. Highlight the impact of past campaigns, including specific results and how donations were put to use. Direct mail catalogs and newsletters are a great way to share impact stories and generate engagement through genuine connection.

Ensuring Data Security and Compliance

direct mail campaignsNon-profits often deal with sensitive donor contact and financial information. It’s crucial to ensure data security and compliance with regulations like HIPAA when handling healthcare-related data. Partnering with a HIPAA-Compliant and HITRUST-Certified Printer like Preferred Direct can provide peace of mind in this regard.

Measuring the ROI of your campaign

Calculating the return on investment (ROI) is essential to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns. By comparing the cost of the campaign to the donations received, you can determine how efficiently your efforts are driving donations.

Integrating Direct Mail with Online Fundraising

QR code direct mail campaignsDirect mail and online fundraising can work hand in hand. Include URLs or QR codes in your materials that link recipients to online donation pages. This provides an easy and convenient way for donors to contribute, and it allows you to track the online response to your mailings.

Tips for Non-profits Getting Started with Direct Mail

For non-profits considering direct mail for the first time, it’s essential to start with a clear strategy. Define your goals, target audience, and budget. Partnering with a reliable print and mail provider like Preferred Direct can help you navigate the complexities of direct mail campaigns.


Direct mail continues to be a potent fundraising tool for non-profit organizations. Its ability to deliver tangible, emotionally resonant messages to potential donors sets it apart in a crowded digital landscape. By understanding your audience, crafting compelling campaigns, and leveraging data, you can maximize the impact of your direct mail efforts. Remember, it’s not just about sending mail; it’s about making a difference.

If you’re ready to explore the potential of direct mail for your non-profit organization and want to ensure the highest level of data security, consider partnering with Preferred Direct. Our expertise in commercial printing and direct mail can help you craft impactful campaigns that drive donations and support your mission. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist your non-profit in maximizing its impact.

21 Ways to Add Flair to Your Direct Mail Campaign

21 Ways to Add Flair to Your Direct Mail Campaign

21 Ways to Add Flair to your Direct Mail Campaign Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Learn from the mistakes of others... You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself!” How do you attract,...

Why Direct Mail Is Still Relevant

Why Direct Mail Is Still Relevant

Why Direct Mail Is Still Relevant Why Direct Mail Is Still Relevant, even in the digital age in which we live, is because many people still prefer to get communications from companies by direct mail...

The Ultimate Guide to a Direct Mail Campaign

The Ultimate Guide to a Direct Mail Campaign

The Ultimate Guide to a Direct Mail Campaign What Is Direct Mail? Direct mail campaign refers to the act of sending a physical medium to potential prospects, current clients, or existing members of...

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Navigating the Agency-Printer Relationship

Navigating the Agency-Printer Relationship

Navigating the Agency-Printer Relationship

In the fast-paced world of business, collaboration and synergy are key ingredients for success. One very important partnership that often is underestimated is the relationship between your company, your marketing agency and your commercial print partner. In an era where digital marketing dominates, the tactile power of printed materials can be overlooked. Yet, there’s an undeniable charm to holding a beautifully designed brochure or receiving a thoughtfully crafted direct mail piece. This is where the partnership between a marketing agency and a commercial print partner shines. Seamless interaction between these two entities can greatly impact the effectiveness of your marketing and the overall success of your business. In this blog, we’ll explore setting expectations, defining roles, choosing the right partners and the benefits of using a well-connected print partner.


Setting Expectations and Defining Roles

The foundation of any successful partnership is clear communication and well-defined roles. When it comes to the relationship between your marketing agency and print partner, the following points need to be established:

  • roles & responsibilitiesDesign Needs & Deadlines: Clearly communicate your design requirements and deadlines to ensure your agency can meet the artwork deadline and your printer can achieve the desired quality in your timeframe.
  • Print Types: Discuss the specifics of the print job, including paper type, color options (full color or black and white), and any bindery, folding, collating or finishing required. Ensure your printer has the capabilities for a wide range of print types, i.e., newsletters, postcards, brochures, handbooks etc. Consider whether you need mailing services as well.
  • Responsibility for Fulfillment: Determine who will handle the fulfillment process. Some print partners, like Preferred Direct, offer comprehensive services that include printing, mailing, and even kitting for promotional campaigns. While some marketing agencies are responsible for kitting specialty client gifts and will need the print piece sent to them for fulfillment.
  • Budget: Transparency in budgeting is essential. Evaluate all costs involved, from the marketing agency’s fees to the printing invoices, shipping charges and more. This holistic view helps prevent surprises down the line.


Choosing the Right Partners

direct mail marketing samples pack request

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right marketing partner. The first factor to consider is industry knowledge. A marketing agency that understands your industry can hit the ground running. They’ll have insights into your target audience, competition, and trends specific to your field, all of which will greatly impact the effectiveness of your campaigns. You can also request samples from a marketing agency, this will help you to evaluate the quality of their work and help to determine if they are a good fit with your brand. If the samples include case studies or metrics, you can gain insights into how effective the agency’s campaigns were for their previous clients in your industry. This can give you an idea of the potential ROI you might achieve by working with them.

When looking for the right commercial print partner, you will want to consider things like data security, equipment and technology, customer service, and experience. Protection of sensitive data is paramount. Make sure your print partner has security measures in place to protect your information and maintain client confidentiality. As a HIPAA compliant and HITRUST certified printer, Preferred Direct values the level of security required when dealing with personal information.

Preferred Direct is committed to quality at every step of the way. We use advanced print, fulfillment, and data technology to deliver custom communication solutions, on time and on budget. We take pride in being a highly skilled business partner who can deliver on your most pressing marketing and communications needs. Whether your project is transactional, informational, or promotional, Preferred Direct has over 30 years of experience in delivering engaging, secure print pieces for companies in a variety of industries.

Preferred Direct: A Multi-Faceted Partner

With years of experience in key industries such as healthcare, insurance, finance, energy & utility, and not-for-profit sectors, we have collaborated closely with various marketing agencies. Our extensive capabilities, renowned customer service, swift lead times, nationwide print services, and a data-centric approach have earned a reputation as a reliable, technology-focused print and direct mail partner for companies across the nation. As a family-owned business, we prioritize personalized care and are well-equipped to assist you or connect you with an excellent marketing agency tailored to your industry needs.

The partnership between your marketing agency and commercial print partner is a cornerstone in your marketing strategy. Clear communication, well-defined roles, and selecting the right partners, like Preferred Direct, can elevate your campaigns, simplify the campaign process, and drive substantial results. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022

22 Direct Marketing Trends in 2022  Direct marketing is the discipline of communicating directly with your audience through one-to-one mediums such as email, direct mail, social media, and text....

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer

What to Look for in a Direct Mail Printer When choosing a direct mail printer for your organization’s communication projects, there’s much to consider. Not all printing providers have the expertise...

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