Category: Direct Mail Marketing

Printed Collateral is Here to Stay

Printed Collateral is Here to Stay

Printed Collateral is Here to Stay


With the constant push for higher digital engagement, perfectly curated social feeds, and algorithm optimized content, it’s easy for businesses to focus their marketing budgets into the digital space. But is it really worth it? Digital marketers estimate that the average person sees over 4,000 ads in a single day and spends only 0.7 seconds “gazing” at each social media ad. In this massive sea of digital ads, how can businesses differentiate themselves or stand out? Short answer: Printed Collateral.

Digital Marketing vs. Print Marketing

Before we take a closer look at the advantages of print marketing, let’s quickly compare the two. The term “digital marketing” covers a broad range of marketing channels such as, social media, email marketing, google ads, and more. Every day up to 500 million people browse their Instagram feed, 600 million people scroll through TikTok, and 2 billion users log onto Facebook. With the potential for reaching a broad audience and its cost-effective nature, it’s no wonder why companies gravitate to this form of marketing.

printed collateral preferred directWhere digital marketing lacks, printed collateral thrives. Rather than creating content for the masses, print marketing campaigns are highly targeted, more memorable, and bring credibility to your business. Print marketing includes physical marketing pieces such as newsletters, catalogues, postcards, direct mail, brochures and more.

  • Just opened a new brick and mortar location? Send a Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) invitation to all households within a 15 mile radius to your grand opening.
  • Releasing a new product line? Give your customers a first look in an exclusive catalogue.
  • Have exciting news, upcoming events, or a change in leadership? Send a newsletter to keep your internal team up to date and the public in the know.

Preferred Direct is a family-owned commercial printer, operating for over 30 years in direct mail printing, binding and delivery. Ready to get started in print? Our team can help! Click here to request a consultation or project estimate.

Advantages of Printed Collateral

So, how does print marketing differentiate your business in the digital age? Here’s a quick list of the advantages of printed collateral and why it’s here to stay:

Builds Credibility

The accessibility and ease of social media can be a double edge sword. Apps like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook have simplified account creation, meaning anyone can create an account and start marketing a product or service immediately, even if it doesn’t exist. Since most consumers are aware of fake or suspicious accounts, they err on the side of caution when interacting or purchasing products online. One way a company can build credibility as a trustworthy business is by sending printed collateral to their audience. According to a survey by MarketingSherpa, 82% of people trust print ads when making a purchase decision. Having a tangible print piece acts as an extension of your brand, putting the credibility of your product or services straight in their hands.


Memorable Marketing

In a study conducted by USPS and Temple University testing the effectiveness of print versus digital advertisements, they found that the physical ads were “more effective at leaving a lasting impression than their digital counterparts, regardless of the consumer age.” The research also concluded that the participants had quicker recall, stronger emotional responses, and a longer lasting impact from the physical ads. The physical aspect of holding a printed ad appeals to more senses than just scrolling through your phone. At Preferred Direct we have a team of graphic designers ready to create the artwork needed to make a great first impression.


Less Competition

Any company you name off the top of your head most likely has a prominent digital presence. This oversaturation of the digital space is what creates high competition and makes it very difficult to rank above larger companies with big marketing budgets. Even when you do prevail, there’s still that dreaded ad blocker in the way. In the U.S., more than a one third of internet users use some sort of ad blocker when they browse the internet. That means you’re paying money for 33% of the viewers to not even see your digital ad. These wasted marketing dollars could instead be used for a direct mail campaign where the consumer will not only see your ad but hold it in their hands. Rather than having to compete with the thousands of digital ads we see daily, your competition reduces to the handful of mail your audience gets every day.


An Omni-Channel Approach

When it comes to marketing it isn’t always a one size fits all. The best marketing strategizes take an omni-channel approach having a healthy mix of both printed collateral and digital marketing. While print marketing is effective for exposure and recall of brand information, digital marketing keeps your brand top of mind and can communicate to a broader audience.

With over 35 years of experience providing quality print and mail services to businesses around the country, Preferred Direct is the go-to direct mail printer for effective, data-secure print campaigns. We have the technology, capacity, and drive to assist you in your print marketing endeavors. From printer to post office, trust us to deliver high quality printed collateral pieces on time and within your budget. Contact us today to get started.

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Remaining HIPAA Compliant with Third Party Printers

Remaining HIPAA Compliant with Third Party Printers

Remaining HIPAA Compliant with Third Party Printers

Are you truly HIPAA compliant? Maybe you’ve set up certain measures of data security and protected your processes internally, but what about your third-party vendors? As a HIPAA compliant and HITRUST certified printer, Preferred Direct invests in quality equipment and proven processes to ensure printing projects for healthcare, insurance, finance and other data sensitive industries comply with HIPAA requirements. From securing sensitive digital files to choosing the right third-party vendors, we put together a quick list of ways to ensure your organization remains in compliance.

The 3 HIPPA Rules

Before getting started with HIPAA compliance, we first need to understand the three HIPAA rules which all compliance best practices build upon:

HIPAA Privacy Rule

HIPAA HITRUST compliance

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes a federal standard for safeguarding the privacy of individuals’ personal medical records and other identifiable health information.

HIPAA Security Rule

The HIPAA Security Rule establishes a federal standard for safeguarding electronically stored personal medical information of individuals to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and security of these records are maintained.

HIPAA Breach Notification Rule

A HIPAA data breach is defined as an individuals’ protected health information (PHI) being disclosed or used without permission that compromises the security and privacy of the information in any way.

Once the breach is discovered, the organization has 60 days to notify the individuals whose information was exposed and submit a report to the Department of Health & Human Services. If the breach exposes over 500 individuals’ PHI, the organization must also notify a notable local media outlet.

Technology Security

With technology becoming more advanced, it’s important your organization takes the necessary precautions to prevent data leaks or PHI breaches. Digital ways to secure access to sensitive data is encryption, creating secure access portals, and managing user roles/admin levels. Physical ways to protect this information include computers automatically log out when not in use and personal logins for all employees. For facilities with portable devices, conducting device inventory checks frequently could prevent these devices from leaving the premises without permission.

Ensure your outsourced print & mail vendor also maintains secure access, provides secure file transfer options, and encrypts all data transferred. As a HIPAA compliant and HITRUST certified print and mail vendor, Preferred Direct offers healthcare customers individual client logins for secure FTP file transfers and encrypts all print and mail data.

Facility Security

You can’t protect devices with secure data access or PHI records, without having a secure facility around it. Ways to prohibit unauthorized access to protected health records is having alarmed security systems throughout the building, storing records and files in authorized personnel only areas, and tracking devices with ePHI access. Knowing who is coming in and out of your facility at all times makes it easy to identify a potential breach point if a data leak does occur.


An often overlooked practice of securing PHIs is training staff and faculty. Having quarterly or annual HIPAA compliance training keeps experienced staff up to date and gives new hires HIPAA compliance best practices. Holding training sessions on staff security, ethics, integrity, data breaches, and more will empower employees to speak up if they see malpractice occurring and remind them of the proper protocols when handling sensitive data.

Audits & Compliance

HIPAA compliance audit

It’s important to complete the proper audits annually. Completing risk assessments, policy reviews, contingency plans, and vendor audits will ensure your organization remains HIPAA compliant. Allowing protocols or policies to “slip through the cracks” is where HIPAA compliance is more likely to be compromised.

Also, be sure to audit your third party print vendors and other outsourced organizations. Requesting information on their security protocols, testing for vulnerabilities, and having policy conversations with your vendors will help prevent a third-party data breach.

Print Security

HIPAA compliance also applies to your outsourced commercial printer. When it comes to choosing your third-party vendors, it’s important they also take the necessary precautions when printing and distributing sensitive data. One way to remain compliant when printing protected medical records is by using HIPAA compliant print vendors with secure data transfer portals, HITRUST certified common security framework, and secure digital and inkjet VDP technology – choose Preferred Direct.

Preferred Direct MarketingAs a HIPAA compliant and HITRUST certified printer, Preferred Direct has invested in top print and fulfillment technology and follows the strictest data security standards to ensure the safety of your data. If you’re looking to get one step closer to ultimate HIPAA compliance, contact Preferred Direct for third-party medical bill printing and mailing services. See for yourself why Preferred Direct is the trusted health industry print partner – contact us to get started on your next print project today!

Outsourcing Utility Billing: 6 Reasons Why

Outsourcing Utility Billing: 6 Reasons Why

Outsourcing Utility Billing - 6 Reasons Why The Perks of Outsourcing Utility Billing to a Utility Bill Printing and Mailing Services Vendor Outsourcing utility billing has become a preferred way for...

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Infographic: Key Postcard Elements

Infographic: Key Postcard Elements

5 Key Elements of a Successful Postcard Mailer

Postcard mailers have long been a trusted and effective marketing tool, delivering concise messages and capturing attention with their tangible marketing appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the five key elements that contribute to the success of a postcard campaign. By understanding and incorporating these elements into your postcard designs, you can significantly enhance recipient engagement, maximize conversions, and achieve your marketing ROI goals.

#1 Postcard Size

PDM postcard mailerThe size of a postcard mailers plays a vital role in its impact and the recipient’s perception of your message. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, opting for standard postcard sizes like 4″ x 6″ or 5″ x 7″ ensures cost-effectiveness and easy mailing. However, larger, or uniquely shaped postcards can help your message stand out. There is no limit to postcard size, though choose wisely.

Consider the purpose of your postcard. If it aims to showcase vibrant visuals or provide detailed information, a larger size might be ideal. On the other hand, if you want to convey a short and compelling message, a smaller size can deliver the impact you desire. Remember to strike a balance between grabbing attention and ensuring practicality.

#2 Key Visual Image/Graphic

A captivating visual image or graphic is the cornerstone of any successful postcard mailer, it catches the recipient’s eye and sparks their interest. When selecting an image, ensure that it aligns with your brand identity and effectively communicates your message.

High-quality, professional images of your products, people or services can have a greater impact than generic stock photos. Consider investing in custom photography or illustrations that reflect the unique aspects of your business. If you are promoting a specific product or service, display it prominently in the visual. People connect with visuals on an emotional level, so choose images that evoke the desired response.

With a wide range of full color printing capabilities, Preferred Direct has the experience and technology to create vibrant, bold visuals for your next postcard campaign. Contact us today to request a quote.

#3 Strategic White Space

White space, or negative space, refers to the intentional blank areas in your postcard design. These areas play a vital role in maintaining a clean and uncluttered layout. White space helps guide the recipient’s attention to the different key elements of your postcard, such as the visual image and message.

While the visual elements are crucial, it is equally important to leave white space on your postcard to accommodate essential compliance elements. These areas include space for the stamp, address, post office markings, and any additional information required by postal regulations. By incorporating these compliance elements seamlessly into your design, you ensure that your postcard meets all necessary mailing requirements and reaches its intended destination without any issues.

Post offices typically apply barcodes, postage labels, and other markings to process and deliver the postcard efficiently. Failing to allocate sufficient room may result in valuable information being obscured during the mailing process, or an undeliverable piece of mail. As a general guideline, leave at least ½ inch (1.27 cm) of empty space at the bottom of the postcard to accommodate these markings without interfering with your design or message.

By strategically incorporating white space, you can create a sense of balance and enhance readability. It allows the recipient’s eyes to rest, making it easier to absorb the information you present. Moreover, white space helps ensure compliance with postal best practices and will guarantee that it gets stamped and delivered, quickly and easily. Partnering with a knowledgeable print and mail provider will help. Preferred Direct will assist with any design assistance needed so your postcard is a success.

#4 Strong Call to Action/Clear, Concise Message

The success of your postcard hinges on delivering a clear and concise message that resonates with your target audience. A strong call to action (CTA) is the driving force behind your postcard’s conversion potential. For a successful direct mail marketing campaign, you must have a clear message – to have a clear message, we must start with having a clear goal. Take time to define what your campaign goal is and do your best to state it in one complete, yet powerful thought. This approach will boost your ROI and bring in the most qualified leads.

Keep your message concise, using clear and urgent language. Ensure that it aligns with your overall marketing strategy and resonates with your target audience. Consider the pain points your product or service addresses, the competitive advantages you may have, and emphasize the unique value you bring. Incorporate a sense of urgency in your CTA to motivate recipients to take immediate action.

#5 Unique Elements: QR Codes, Coupons, Perforation


QR code

To make your postcard mailer even more engaging and valuable, consider incorporating unique elements that provide additional incentives for recipients to respond. QR codes have recently gained popularity and have the ability to link printed items directly to specific landing pages or digital content, making it easy for recipients to access more information online or take advantage of special offers.

Coupons or discount codes are highly effective in enticing recipients to make a purchase, set up a meeting, or visit your physical or online store. Providing exclusive deals through postcard promotions can significantly boost response rates. Another creative element is the addition of perforation, which allows recipients to tear off a section for a specific purpose, such as redeemable vouchers.

By including QR codes, coupon codes and custom URLs exclusive to your postcard campaign, you can track ROI metrics such as page views, coupon redemptions, and engagement, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and maximize your marketing budget.

Pro Tip: Choosing the Right Print Partner for Postcard Mailers

By mastering the five key elements of successful postcard mailer, you can create impactful marketing campaigns that captivate your target audience. Remember to carefully consider the postcard size, set clear goals, select a compelling visual image, utilize strategic white space, craft a clear and concise message, and incorporate unique elements such as QR codes, coupons, or perforation. With these elements combined and a strong call to action, your postcards will become powerful tools for boosting engagement, driving conversions, and achieving your marketing objectives. Discover move in our Postcard Infographic.

Of course, that’s only if you choose the right direct mail printing partner. Don’t waste dollars and time! Preferred Direct has been printing and sending direct mail campaigns, domestic and international, for over 35 years. We have the experience, technology, and postal relationships to get your campaign printed and delivered on time and on budget.

Ready to unlock the potential of postcard marketing? Start your own impactful postcard mailer campaign with Preferred Direct today. Discover how Preferred Direct can help you boost engagement, increase conversions, and take your marketing campaigns to new heights. Contact our team to request a consultation.


HIPAA Compliance Checklist

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10 Healthcare Marketing Ideas To Help Grow Your Practice

10 Healthcare Marketing Ideas To Help Grow Your Practice

10 Healthcare Marketing Ideas To Help Grow Your Practice

As a medical professional, the care of your patients is top priority. When operating a medical practice, however, the business side of medicine is not far behind. Whether you are facing patient retention challenges, looking to expand locations, add new talent, or simply increase the number of patients you see, healthcare marketing can help with sustainable growth of your practice. Here are ten ideas to do just that:

#1 Develop a Brand Identity

A medical practice is still very much a business, and with that comes the need for a brand. Develop a cohesive brand for your practice by choosing a logo, color scheme, and fonts. Work with a marketing professional to take the branding a step further by developing a brand tone and brand values. Combined, these visual and emotion-provoking components will become your enterprise’s brand and create a clear identity to your customers. Over time, your brand will become synonymous with the quality of care that your practice provides. At Preferred Direct, we can create the professional look and branding needed to engage customers and grow your business.

#2 Outsource Billing to a Third Party

If your office is still billing internally, you may find you can maximize your staff’s time by outsourcing your bill printing and mailing processes. After bill coding and contact verification, your team can transfer billing data through a secure data portal to a print and mail partner for fulfillment. This allows your billing staff to attend to patients, customer service and more urgent matters.

It’s important to seek out a partner with expertise in handling sensitive medical information. Be sure to verify they can uphold HIPAA standards and have appropriate data security protocols. Working with an inexperienced printer can lead to problems ranging from reputational damage to costly lawsuits. Preferred Direct is proud to be a HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST-certified commercial print and mail partner. Our state-of-the-art print technology and strict data security standards ensure our medical customers can safely outsource their billing and maximize their internal staff for other pressing financial and care-related matters.

#3 Create a Healthcare Marketing Plan

Healthcare marketing is necessary when growing your enterprise. However, your efforts may be wasted without setting specific goals. Identify measurable areas in which you wish to grow and develop a strategy around those goals.

Utilize both print and digital marketing and seek out ways to integrate them. Examples can include using social media to promote an upcoming event, sending out a brief version of your company newsletter via email, or including a QR code on a postcard.

#4 Become a Thought Leader

Leverage your knowledge as a medical professional and find ways to share your expertise publicly. Medical blogs and publications often seek guest writers. Be sure to name drop your practice, so your expertise is attributed correctly.

For a more direct, local impact, create a printed newsletter for your practice. In one of the segments, include informative content. This can include debunking medical myths, explaining emerging medical technologies, or a list of preventative health advice.

If you want to be very hands-on, get in front of the camera. Some medical professionals have seen success on video-centric platforms like TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn etc., delivering knowledge in short, digestible formats.

#5 Set Up a Referral Program

Word-of-mouth is still among the strongest ways to grow a business. Encourage your current patients to tell friends, family, and coworkers about your practice. You can offer an incentive for them to do so, such as grocery gift cards, entries for a giveaway, or a complementary service. Use forms or comment cards, where new patients can disclose if they were referred by an existing patient and capture the ROI of your healthcare marketing campaigns.

#6 Recruit and Retain the BestHealthcare medical billing support

A medical enterprise is only as good as the people who work there, from the doctors to the front desk personnel. It is important to attract and retain the best possible staff when growing your practice.

Celebrate employee accomplishments and milestones in your newsletter, to express appreciation. Recognize the risk of burnout in the medical field and make resources available to keep your team happy and healthy, so they can keep patients happy and healthy.

Be proactive in hiring by attending job fairs, connecting with post-secondary institutions, and using recruitment resources to find the right fit for your practice.

As a bonus, recruiting within the community can double as a promotional activity, increasing brand recognition in the area.

#7 Leverage New and Existing Technology

Seek out opportunities to add new technologies to your practice that are patient-friendly. Telehealth is quickly moving from a “nice-to-have” to an expectation of care. If your practice can offer these visits, make it known!

For a busy office, scheduling can be challenging for both the office and the patient. Online scheduling can help by reducing call wait times and automating the confirmation process.

Keeping your web presence updated can impact the impression of your practice. While not a new technology, regularly updating your social media pages with relevant content shows that you care to keep patients informed where they are. Similarly, your website requires routine content updates, as the place many new and existing patents will go first for information.

#8 Solicit and Utilize Reviews

If you are unsure where to focus your time and efforts, encourage feedback from your existing patients in the form of reviews.

When you receive a five-star review, ask the reviewer for permission to share their feedback in your healthcare marketing. This feedback can also be used to get an idea of the patient’s experience. This information can highlight critical growth areas for your practice.

#9 Expand Your Reach Locally

As a medical enterprise, you will likely have multiple locations under your business umbrella. When it comes time to open a new office, develop a healthcare marketing campaign around introducing yourself to the local community. This can be done through a direct mail campaign, social media ads, or even a grand opening event! Using every door direct mail (EDDM), practitioners can target every house within a specific radius to the facility and introduce local households to their practice.

Adding additional practitioners can also bring new patients that may not have previously sought out your practice. Highlight expansions of service in your direct mail newsletter or on your website, encouraging new patients to make an appointment.

#10 Stay Connected

Make it easy for patients to stay connected to your practice. A mailing list, both for physical mail and email is a great place to start. Appointment reminders also remind people to connect with your office. Work with a healthcare marketing designer to develop an eye-catching, on-brand design that cannot be missed among other pieces of mail.

For a more hands-on approach, participate in local events as a vendor or sponsor. Health fairs, holiday festivals, and marathons are great venues for a medical enterprise to engage with the local community. Give out branded freebies, offer screenings, or host a giveaway. Be sure to include a sign-up for your mailing list at the booth!Preferred Direct Marketing

*Bonus: Leverage Preferred Direct!

Healthcare marketing takes effort and strategy. When it comes to your medical print and mail campaigns, Preferred Direct has years of experience in managing sensitive healthcare information, as well as marketing materials, with security and diligence. From designing to printing to finishing to postage, Preferred Direct has the experience, technology, and security to help you grow your medical practice. Contact us today for a print marketing estimate!

Outsourcing Utility Billing: 6 Reasons Why

Outsourcing Utility Billing: 6 Reasons Why

Outsourcing Utility Billing - 6 Reasons Why The Perks of Outsourcing Utility Billing to a Utility Bill Printing and Mailing Services Vendor Outsourcing utility billing has become a preferred way for...

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Why Now is the Perfect Time for Print Newsletter Marketing

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Print Newsletter Marketing

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Print Newsletter Marketing

When was the last time you received a newsletter…that was not sent to your email? Keeping your clients, customers or patients consistently informed is a big key for brand engagement. And it simply makes sense to reach them where they are… online, right? Not exactly. Due to changing standards in online privacy, a large influx of email marketing, and increased competition in the digital marketing space, a printed newsletter may be the best medium to attract and engage your true audience base.

As a provider of commercial printing and mailing solutions for over 35 years, the team at Preferred Direct knows a thing or two about the consumer landscape. Although direct mail has been around for centuries, there are many reasons why now is the best time is to invest in printed newsletter marketing campaigns for your business.

Get Out the Cluttered Email Inbox

We’d like to think that customers eagerly await our emails for the latest promotions and news. Realistically, their email inbox looks just like ours— cluttered, with hundreds of unopened e-newsletters dying a slow death in the automated “Promotions” folder. With email providers implementing changes effecting deliverability rates and SPAM categorization, it’s likely that your audience isn’t receiving your emails in the first place, wasting the time and effort of your marketing team.

What makes print different? Printed newsletters offer a tangible experience using a marketing medium that has statistically become much less cluttered than the average email inbox. As many companies shift their marketing to online channels, the opportunity to be noticed in the mailbox has grown tremendously. However, there’s still a possibility of your newsletter going directly into the trashcan. That is where brand recognition, quality print materials and professional design come into play. Treating print newsletters like a tangible extension of your company’s product or service quality will differentiate your print marketing in a way that cannot be captured in a short email headline.

To cut through the email clutter even further, reference your most recent digital campaign in your print newsletter (or reference your newsletter in an email!) with a special incentive. You do not need to abandon one method for another, but rather, have them work together for best results. For customers and prospects that you simply are struggling to reach via email, printed newsletters through Preferred Direct may be the way to go!

Reach Clients in a New Way

With most of our daily communication taking place digitally, there is something refreshingly different about receiving mail that speaks directly to our wants and needs. A printed newsletter can be a unique space that elaborates and highlights your company story like no other. Whether through special print promotions or coupons, exclusive insider stories, or unique event incentives, there are plenty of opportunities to surprise and delight your newsletter subscribers in a way they are not accustomed to.

Are your competitors using a printed newsletter to reach their customers? If not, then this is a perfect time to reach your shared audiences in a way that your competitors do not. Your loyal customers will be pleased to see your direct communication and your competitor’s audience may be intrigued by this new touchpoint and the effort you put into the campaign. Though we may not think of the mailbox as “new”, we should. Print marketing is in a modern-day renaissance and this old medium could be the new way to communicate to your audience, effectively.

Forgo Online Privacy Barriers

Online privacy protection laws are actively being passed on national and local levels, highlighting the growing scrutiny on how personal information is found and used. Companies, such as Apple, Google and Microsoft, have responded by introducing various privacy features, that ultimately limit many marketers’ ability to effectively target audience segments. With these changing privacy laws, it may become harder for businesses to collect accurate email information. This has also impacted the number of bogus emails created for the sole purpose of downloading digital content through lead forms, without giving true, personal information.

On the other hand, It is much less common for your audience to set up P.O. boxes for junk mail. Therefore, when you deliver to a given address, you’re most likely reaching a real person and not a junk email bot. Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) campaigns can also help you target an audience by location. At Preferred Direct, we work with our local USPS office to designate the best geographic location for your campaign and pull accurate mailing lists on your behalf.

Here’s a common EDDM newsletter example:

Local veterinarian contacts Preferred Direct to send a print marketing newsletter to its 200+ existing customers and to every residential home within a 5 mile radius of their office using EDDM.

Customer – Jane opens her mailbox and sees the familiar logo of her local veterinarian’s office. The front page features a photo of two dogs posed in front of a holiday display, inviting readers to come in for a special pet photo event. Jane places the newsletter in her “keep” file and quickly texts her friend about the pet photo event. Later that evening, Jane reads the newsletter, adds “Make Fluffy a Vet appointment” to her to-do list, and clips a coupon for dog food.

Email alternative – Jane opened your email, forwarded to her friend’s email (where it hit the junk box) and forgot to follow up for a vet appointment since the email wasn’t consistently visible in the real world.

Prospect ­– Bob is new in town and has been researching veterinarians for his 8-year old Lab mix. Though he had his eye on another practice, he received a quality newsletter in the mail from this local veterinarian. This prompted him to check their online reviews and prices. After reading through their website and newsletter, which features more customer testimonials, health tips and a local dog park guide, he decides to call and set an appointment using his “FREE consultation” coupon clipped from the mail.

Email alternative – Your email went directly to junk mail because Bob does not have you on his email contact list.

In our example, the local veterinarian was able to engage different types of audiences, more than once from one newsletter. They may not have had the same return on investment if they sent out an email newsletter only. In our 35 years of experience with direct mail campaigns, it is not unheard of that a recipient might share a physically printed mail piece with a friend or family member – extending a campaign’s ROI.

Though you may be hesitant, we can confidently say NOW is the time to invest in print marketing and overcome the privacy barriers found in the digital marketplace. With a name and address, you can send professional, informative newsletters with 100% deliverability rates. No cookies, trackers, bots or privacy policies in sight!

Benefits of Newsletter Marketing

Not every printed marketing newsletter will yield the same results as our hypothetical veterinarian’s office example. But for those who work with a professional Print & Mail shop, the odds are in your favor. Here are a few advantages print marketing has over other forms of digital marketing:

  • More Qualified Leads – Client addresses are updated regularly to send invoices and charge payments, so you know your print newsletters are sending to the right address. Through our partnership with USPS, you can verify mailing addresses and even target an audience you do not currently have access to, using EDDM.
  • Longer Engagement Rates – The average ad is viewed for mere seconds. The simple act of holding a newsletter outlasts these digital methods exponentially. On average, a print piece will have a more lasting engagement than a digital marketing ad. Customers interested in your content may save it to read later, use as a bookmark, clip it on a fridge magnet etc. to keep it top of mind. You can increase the likelihood of this by choosing specialty bindings, paper sizes, and finishing options.
  • Reaches a Broader Audience – Not all customers are online, and for those that are, the digital landscape is constantly changing (and so are their email addresses). Through printed newsletter marketing, you can reach a larger audience than just those with working emails. You can also target new audiences by locations relevant to your business, casting a wider net for future clientele.
  • Direct Ways to Measure Impact – Whether it’s through a coupon, event/sale, or connecting print and digital efforts through a campaign-specific landing page, there are multiple ways to measure the success of your printed newsletter without relying on third-party metrics. Work with your print & mail provider to discuss the best way to track campaign ROI.

There has never been a more perfect time to add print newsletter marketing to your company’s mix. With all the clutter and privacy concerns occurring in the digital marketing realm, the mailbox is a very attractive marketing channel that has already been proven to engage, communicate, and inform your audience. Start NOW and solidify your spot in the mailbox before your competitors begin flocking to the post office. Keep in mind, every business has unique marketing goals and abilities. Therefore, it is important to partner with a knowledgeable print provider to discover the right newsletter marketing option to meet your goals.

As a HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST-certified printer, Preferred Direct has invested in top print and fulfillment technology and follows the strictest data security standards to ensure the safety of your data. Partner with Preferred Direct today to get started on your company’s next marketing newsletter campaign today!

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Printed Collateral is Here to Stay

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Remaining HIPAA Compliant with Third Party Printers

Remaining HIPAA Compliant with Third Party Printers

Remaining HIPAA Compliant with Third Party Printers Are you truly HIPAA compliant? Maybe you’ve set up certain measures of data security and protected your processes internally, but what about your...

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